Living Room Layout Ideas
This illustration shows several pieces of cabinetwork generally plant in a living room. Your conditions will vary, but the principles are the same.
You want the room to flow around the cabinetwork for rotation and also have clear paths to the seating areas and exit points. Rotation paths need 30 to 36 in. (77 to 91 cm) of clear range.
You can place coffee or blend tables as close as 12 in. (30 cm) from the edge of the seating. Other furnishings might need at least 24 in. (61 cm) between pieces for people to fluently move about.
Another important consideration is the discussion bow. Place cabinetwork so that people can fluently hear one another when seated. Eight bases (244 cm) is ideal; larger apartments may need to be broken into seating groups.
When space and budget allow, several settees can be arranged around grand blend tables, as has been done in this transitional space. Notice that the square table is centered between the two settees opposite each other, while the narrow table serves the lounge opposite the gravestone fireplace.
Though this space breaks out of the 8- bottom discussion bow, each lounge is its own seating group. The lower ceiling maintains closeness, and a generous rotation space around the room keeps each lounge’s seating area sufficiently private. A room needs to be at least 20 bases (610 cm) forecourt for an arrangement like this.
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